Fracture Misdiagnosis
Vincents Solicitors Medical Negligence team can assist you if you have suffered personal injury as a result of hospital medical staff failing to correctly diagnose a fracture or delaying the diagnosis of a fracture.
Delays in diagnosing fractured bones can often result in a longer, more difficult period of recovery and may result in the fracture never healing properly, causing longer-term complications which can impact your day-to-day life both physically and emotionally.
The team can assist you in recovering compensation for the injuries suffered, along with any long-term treatment you may require, in addition to recovering any losses you may have incurred, for example if you have been unable to work.
If you feel that your fracture diagnosis was misdiagnosed or delayed, please contact our Medical Negligence team to discuss your potential claim further.
What do I do next?
We deal with claims under a No Win No Fee agreement and we provide a free initial consultation so that we can discuss what has happened and advise you how you can proceed.
Call us on 01772 555 176 or complete our request a call back form to arrange your free consultation.